I Love My Book Club And My Fancy Broomstick

Yes, I'm dressed as a witch on a broomstick... No, I don't usually dress this way. The theme of the book club is magic and witches.  I am having fun with this one.


I loved this magical trilogy.  Three sisters, all witches, they are beautiful and enchanting.

I absolutely adore my book club.  We have been meeting once every other month now for about ten years.  There are eleven of us, all women, all friends.  We've read many wonderful books, eaten many amazing meals, and talked for hours about our favorite characters.

We've held meetings in a limo on the way to New York City to see "Wicked" on Broadway.  We've read books about vineyards and held our meeting in the middle of a beautiful vineyard in Rhode Island.  We went on a tour of the vineyard, learned about grapes, and sampled many bottles of wine. 

When we read "Sea Glass" we enjoyed a gourmet picnic by the ocean.  That is a memory that will stay with me forever.

And so, I bought a fancy broomstick for Nora Roberts' witches, and my dear friends in the book club.

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2 Responses
  1. What a fun group. I've always wanted to be a part of a fun book club. Your's sounds amazing. I especially like the wine sampling part. :)

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